
Welcome to "the Goat's eye view" a blog for those interested in sports, film, music, world events, cat wrangling, and the trials and tribulations of a small town hick adjusting to life in the big city (for about the 10th time).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A small change.

You can now post comments without being a member or signing in or whatever it is you used to have to do. Good or bad I appreciate the input.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunny Day at the Ballpark Bummed Out by Beer Bastards!

Saturday, June 5th was the kind of day baseball was invented for. Around 28 degrees, little wind, just a few faint wisps of cloud in the sky and the roof of the Rogers Centre wide open. With this in mind my good friend Doug, his charming sister Disey and I set out to cheer on the home team. $14 got us a seat in the upper deck and a mere $9.50 got us a beer, and I don't mean the big ass beer, just a normal beer.
Now I understand supply and demand and markups etc. but that's a little much. Lets assume that beer cost the concession $2.00, which it didn't but with wages for the beer sellers etc. lets say it does. I'm no math whizz but that's like a 375 per cent profit. Any where else charged you that much for a pint you'd tell them to get stuffed but they know they've got you. Who doesn't like some nice cold suds out at the old ball park?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hank III hits Toronto

When I was a boy growing up on the farm it was just me and my mom and dad. Across the road at the top of the hill lived an aunt and uncle and at the bottom of the hill lived another. One family had 5 children and the other had eight. The oldest of these cousins had kids who were close to my age as well. Basically my family was my social world, and in that world you listened to country music...just country music.
I remember about grade eight I went over to my friend Dustin's house. He had young parents and they had a record collection. My life changed forever in that basement, listening to Pink Floyd and Alice Cooper.  Zeppelin, the Doors, AC/DC, Fleetwood Mac and Eric Clapton. I mean, we weren't Amish. I'd heard whatever crap they were playing on whatever radio station you could get in Miners Bay, Ontario back then, but to sit down and listen to "Are You Experienced" from start to finish, well that was an awakening. My love of Music was launched in that basement and I've always felt I owed Dustin a bigger debt than I could ever repay for sharing those dusty lps with me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Scorcese, Weasel Pull Off Psycological Thriller

First lets get one thing straight. The movie reviews you read here are going to be for real people watching movies because they wish to be entertained. Most reviews I read are by some pompous dick telling me that some boring, plot less piece of shit is the movie of the friggin' year, thereby causing me to waste two and a half hours of my life watching the piece of crap. And if I don't agree, it isn't cause they're wrong, it's because I'm not smart or cultured enough to appreciate the delicate genius of the work. Bullshit!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reports confirmed: Cleaveland Does in Fact Rock

I've always heard that Cleveland is kind of a shithole. Last weekend my wife, Mrs. Goat, and I travelled there to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (RRHF from here on out) and, the Browns not withstanding, we found these reports completely unfounded. Through Hotwire we got a nice room for $59 on the 20th floor facing the lake with floor to ceiling windows. From left to right our view took in the Federal Courthouse (all the public buildings are done in that impressive/cheesy classical Greek/Roman architectural style our American friends love so well. It's like Caesar's Palace without the slots), Browns Stadium, the Cleveland Public Auditorium (this one looked so Roman I think I saw Russel Crowe fighting a tiger through the window), the Great Lakes Science Centre, Cleveland City Hall and the RRHF with beautiful Lake Erie in the background.
In the morning we ordered breakfast from room service and as always I was amazed by how inexpensive food is in the States and shocked and a little dismayed by the size of the portions. Mine included two eggs, a mound of home fries, four sausage patties and two pancakes. "Who the hell could eat all this crap," I wondered. I think I figured it out later as I watched my fellow patrons waddle around the RRHF, but I digress. Mrs. Goat ordered french toast which was four huge pieces with some kind of hazelnut, cream cheese concoction sandwiched between them, fresh fruit on the side, juice and a full pot of coffee and the whole mess came to about $30.

Coach Shanahan Makes Scientific Breakthrough?

Reports coming out of the Washington Redskins training camp state that the 'Skins have made an offer to elderly and fragile running back Brian Westbrook. With Clinton Portis, Larry Johnson and "Reasonably Fast" Willie Parker already on the roster, this makes the Washington backfield the NFL equivalent of the Rolling Stones in that their former greatness can't be denied but they really haven't had any great new stuff in years.
All of these signings have led to widespread speculation that Coach Shanahan has somehow developed a time machine because most agree that it would be the only plausible explanation for this running back corps. Shanahan has denied the rumours but did state that he would trade troublesome but talented DT Albert Haynesworth for a used flux capacitor in good condition.