
Welcome to "the Goat's eye view" a blog for those interested in sports, film, music, world events, cat wrangling, and the trials and tribulations of a small town hick adjusting to life in the big city (for about the 10th time).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What else am I gonna do?

With the Habs out of the playoffs and all the good TV shows going on summer hiatus I find myself at a bit of a loss for something to fill my time. What better way than to foist my opinions and occasional semi-coherent thought on an unsuspecting public?
In this blog I intend to have book and movie reviews, discussions about music, sport and art and also many, many anger fueled rants about all the things that piss me off on a daily basis. I suspect it will be mostly angry ranting, but who knows.
At the bottom there's a video bar as you can see which right now features some really funny songs by Montreal native...well this guy from Montreal, it says his name when you watch the videos. The language is a bit strong so if you are a Conservative party member, church leader or small child you may want to steer clear, and you likely won't like anything else I have to say either. Just a heads up.
Readers comments are always welcome.

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